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Blue Feathers

Trudi Richardson

Animals Alpaca or Llama, Dog, Chicken, Donkey, Horse, sheep

Qualified to assist with Communication Skills / Leadership, Learning & Development, Social & Emotional Skills, Adversity, Grief, Mental Health, Loneliness, Complex Trauma, Learning Difficulties, Intellectual Disability, Psychosocial, Hearing Impairment, Depression, Bi Polar, Autism, Anxiety, ADHD,

Business Statement Our comphrehensive range of services encompasses an array of engaging activities, meticulously curated to foster growth, cultivate essential skills, and nuture unyielding confidence among the neurodivergent community. At Blue Feathers, we are fervently dedicated to empowering individuals to embrace their full potential and embark on a journey towards living their most fulfilled lives.

Professional Qualification Social Worker, Advanced Diploma in Disabilities


Registered to work with Children Yes

NDIS Registered No

Medicare Provider No

Police Background Checked Yes

Qualified to Work with People with Disabilities Yes

Mental Health First Aid Certified No

Service Mobile No

Email Address

Phone Number 0416 119 716

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